Why Your Blog Needs To Be In Your Top Menu

Why Your Blog Needs To Be In Your Top Menu

Do you remember the old days of Flash animations, when people thought they needed garish animations to get noticed? Getting attention is good, but it needs to be the right kind. The key to a good website is not through bold statements and moving elements. In fact,...
What Is Topical Authority?

What Is Topical Authority?

SEO is a tricky little thing to navigate sometimes, and staying ahead of the curve means getting smart with your keywords. Topical authority is a clever way to make the most out of your keywords and gain more visibility on your website. What is topical authority?...
What Is Content Repurposing?

What Is Content Repurposing?

Content repurposing is like upcycling. In other words, it’s a way to get creative and expand the reach of your content. It involves finding new and innovative ways to maximise the value and reach of your existing content. Specifically focused on your website, content...
What is an SEO Audit?

What is an SEO Audit?

One of the biggest problems that SEO faces is that it’s not a quick fix. It requires time and effort, making it difficult for website owners to understand what’s happening behind the scenes, especially if they lack the time or interest in technical details. However,...