How To Promote Your Blog Posts

Despite doing everything right, sometimes your articles don’t make the impact that you were hoping for – but knowing how to promote your blog can help fix that.

As a brand or business, the idea of regular blogging is to construct a text that is both engaging, and reaches the right audience through proper optimisation. Over time, the readers will come to trust your brand, and will in turn encourage both new and repeat clients. It’s not the place for the hard sell – blogging for business is how you build trust with consumers and position yourself as the go-to authority within your industry.

According to market leader Hubspot, brands are thirteen times more likely to see positive return on investment when they put regular blogging as a top priority. However, there’s a number of reasons as to why brands fall flat with their blog content, even if they are managing to write great articles that are properly optimised – so what can you do to change that?


Seven Effective Ways To Promote Your Blog

Writing a clear, concise, optimised and engaging blog is a key component of any solid content marketing strategy, as your keywords and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) will eventually help your business to rank on Google – and ultimately help new and existing clients to find you on the internet.

Now, that article will no doubt have a theme, or a key message. To add value to your team’s marketing efforts, that theme or message can now be transferred – or repurposed – into a variety of different styles of content. When learning how to promote your blog, understanding the value of content repurposing is key – so where do you start?

Website Promotion – While it may seem like a no brainer when it comes to promoting a blog post, ensure that you have the article in question published, and prom

inently positioned. What that looks like depends on you – some people like to give it a key piece of real estate on their homepage, while others simply like to have their blog posts defaulted to ‘most recent’.

Share On Socials – Variety is the spice of life when it comes to formulating a social media strategy. While many brands fall into the monotonous trap of posting two or three

photos a week and calling it a day, try to switch it up by posting one of the blogs published on your website, particularly if it’s a ‘value add’ piece that is informative or educational in nature.

Film A Video – Video is a versatile and highly engaging content medium that not only gives audiences a real-life picture of what’s going on, but also is relatively easy to share across multiple platforms. As such, try translating the core message or pieces of knowledge from your blog into an Instagram Reel, YouTube or TikTok video to spread the word.

Make An Infographic – Infographics are graphics of visual representations of information, data, or knowledge intended to present information quickly and clearly. As this form of content is a great way to grab the right kinds of attention, try adding one to your social media channels as a means to drive traffic to your blog.

Try Email Marketing – Email marketing, or EDM, is a great way to repurpose the work you’ve already done in relation to writing an engaging article for your website. Your blogs should contain valuable insights or information for your audience members, so try summarising the message via an e-newsletter.

Write Evergreen Content – When actioned well, an evergreen blog pulls new users into your website – again, and again, and again. As the information is not time sensitive and has managed to successfully answer consumer queries, it continues to get the hits and shares. This process is what we in the marketing realm refer to as evergreen content, or content that doesn’t die.

Encourage Backlinks – In simple terms, backlinks are online links from one website that redirect audiences to another page, or another website. The theory behind adding backlinks to your blog is that Google considers them to be ‘votes’ for a specific page. Pages with a high number of backlinks tend to have high organic search engine rankings.


Outsourcing Your Blog Content With The Professionals

Producing quality, consistent and on brand content takes time, effort, experience and resources – and you’re not alone if you can’t quite commit to that. Avoiding blogging for business altogether may actually be doing your brand a disservice, but the good news is that outsourcing and investing in a solid content marketing strategy has never been easier.

Here at Content Hive, producing top quality digital content is exactly what we do best. We have itemised a list of digital content services, and allocated credits next to each of these. This means that each month, you can use your credits with us to produce digital content such as blog articles, social media posts, videos and even animated Instagram stories. By using this model, we believe that it enables us to produce high quality content with faster delivery times. It also means that because you have a monthly credit, you are going to want to make sure you use these up – and so do we – meaning that your digital content is always consistent.

If you aren’t quite sure where to start on your digital marketing journey and would like to speak to a professional, why not book a free discovery call with us at Content Hive today to discuss how we can get your brand buzzing online.

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