Content Repurposing: How To Increase The Value Of Marketing

Content repurposing is all about reaping what you sow. When actioned correctly, it can exponentially increase the value of your brand’s marketing efforts.

So, what exactly does repurposing content mean? In broader terms, it’s the art of recycling.

Let’s start with producing and crafting one blog or article for your website. This is often a key component of a solid content marketing strategy, as your keywords and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) will eventually help your business to rank on Google – and ultimately help new and existing clients to find you on the internet.


Now, that article will no doubt have a theme, or a key message. To add value to your team’s marketing efforts, that theme or message can now be transferred – or repurposed – into a variety of different styles of content.

Examples of this can include:

  • Sharing that article to your social media channels
  • Creating an infographic to summarise visually what the text is all about
  • Discussing the message via video or audio, which can then be uploaded to social media channels like Instagram, YouTube, or even through a podcast
  • Issue the information to your customers directly through an email marketing campaign

All of these potential marketing and branding avenues can trace their origins back to the very same original article – offering instant impact and lasting effect that all assist in building your brand authority and legacy online.


What Does Content Repurposing Actually Do?

Now that you are equipped with the knowledge of content repurposing methods, the real question is why you should be doing it.

Tap Into The Magic Of Evergreen Content – Not familiar with the term of evergreen content? It’s basically a type of content that doesn’t have an expiry date, and stays relevant for years to come. It’s also a great way to cut down on paid advertising costs.

Save Time, Money and Resources On Production – There’s a myth that producing great content requires hours and hours of time, effort and money. By repurposing the content already “in stock”, you’re effectively recycling and improving your team’s work output.

Reach New Audiences – Not all of your potential clients will find your business the same way, so it’s important to diversify yourself. While some may come in via organic website articles found on Google, others could really love your LinkedIn or Pinterest posts. Change it up!

Develop Brand Authority – Regular and consistent posting will assist in cementing your brand’s industry position. It’s as simple as “know, like, trust.” If consumers can expect consistent content from you, in time they can expect consistent service, and quality products.

Help, I Don’t Know How To Produce Content!

Producing quality, consistent and on brand content takes time, effort, experience and resources – and it’s totally okay if you know that you can’t quite commit to that. Thankfully, investing in a solid content marketing strategy has never been easier.

Here at Content Hive, we specialise in getting brands buzzing online with digital marketing services done for you. Book in your free discovery call with us today, and take the first step in developing a digital marketing strategy that actually gets results.

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