Six Reasons To Outsource Your Digital Marketing

Even if you’re familiar with the basics of digital marketing as a business owner, knowing when to outsource and what the potential benefits are is crucial. 

Once upon a time, brands and businesses from all walks of life used mediums like radio, magazines and television to market their business. The aim of the game was to strike a chord with the right types of audiences, all as a means to grab their attention and ideally steer them towards your product or service. However, just when everyone got a firm grasp on how to best utilise these platforms – the internet arrived. 




Today, there’s several avenues a brand or a business can choose from when it comes to digital marketing. While organic efforts involve using email marketing, search engine optimisation and a well crafted social media strategy, investing in paid media or pay per click style marketing is also an option for brands to get a campaign off the ground

Despite the benefits and improved analytics that digital marketing offers when compared to old school advertising measures, the ever changing nature of it makes it tough to master. What’s more, is that it also requires constant attention – so how do you know when it’s time to outsource?

The Perks Of Outsourcing Your Digital Marketing Needs

Thanks to the gig economy and rapidly changing technology, outsourcing components of your business no longer has the stigma that it once did – in fact, it’s often the very epitome of working smarter, not harder. 

As every small business owner already knows, time is a finite resource and a valuable one at that. To get their time back and focus on what matters, a growing number are choosing to outsource their brand’s digital marketing requirements thanks to one or more of the following compelling reasons

You Lack The Experience – Many components of digital marketing require technical knowledge, such as a grasp on the fundamentals of SEO, how to properly optimise your content and how to track a campaign. What’s more, is that there also needs to be a long term strategy in place as opposed to sporadically posting a photo on Instagram

You Aren’t Seeing Results – One of the biggest indicators that it might be time to outsource your digital marketing is that even though you might already be doing your best to give it a red hot crack – you simply aren’t seeing the results or return on investment. While this could boil down to a number of factors, if it’s not working, it’s easy to feel like it’s a waste of your time. 

You Have Other Priorities – Your brand may have a medley of other needs that command your attention, such as accounting, product management or even sales. On the off chance that you already do have an in house marketing professional, they may be snowed under with other advertising tactics, such as social media or paid advertising. 

You Aren’t Feeling Inspired – As a small business owner, you often spend each day in the engine room of your operation to make sure that nothing goes wrong and that the books stay in the green. As such, it can be hard to feel creative and come up with digital marketing campaigns that highlight your best features and assets, so outsourcing can mean a fresh perspective. 

You’re Falling Behind Competitors – Even if you’ve been in business for decades, have great products and services, and world class customer service, poor digital marketing can see newer competitors leapfrog past you in the marketplace. Having a presence online is a non-negotiable in today’s world, so outsourcing to stay ahead is a viable solution. 

You Can’t Afford More Staff – If you’re struggling with staying on top of your digital marketing, many business owners shy away from outsourcing this workload out of fear that it’s too expensive. In reality, this is often cheaper than hiring someone as an in-house team member while guaranteeing the same, if not better, results. 

Although original content that packs a punch is essential if you want to gain traction online, the downside is that producing quality content takes time, effort, experience and resources. While you’re not alone if you can’t quite commit to that, the good news is that there’s never been a better time to consider outsourcing to the professionals. 

The Key To Good Marketing Is Great Content

Here at Content Hive, producing top quality digital content is exactly what we do best. We have itemised a list of digital content services, and allocated credits next to each of these. This means that each month, you can use your credits with us to produce digital content such as blog articles, social media posts, videos and even animated Instagram stories. By using this model, we believe that it enables us to produce high quality content with faster delivery times.

If you aren’t quite sure where to start on your digital marketing journey and would like to speak to a professional, why not book in a free discovery call with us at Content Hive today to discuss how we can get your brand buzzing online.

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