7 Podcast Formats That You Should Know About

Podcasts are on track to replace radio in the digital age. If you are considering starting your own, which popular podcast formats should you pay attention to?

By definition, a podcast is a digital audio file available (somewhere) on the internet, and is generally available to download to either your computer or a mobile device. Typically available as either a series or via installments, audiences can subscribe to their desired podcast channel and get notifications when a new file or “episode” is released.


When deployed as a marketing tool, a podcast can help a brand or business to:

  • Improve public speaking skills
  • Build brand authority
  • Establish a community
  • Network within your industry
  • Connect with new audiences
  • Generate traffic and leads
  • Provide highly engaging content
  • Offer an alternative to video

Intrigued? We thought so. If you’re already sold on the concept of launching a podcast, it’s important to remember that users resonate with audio that is already aligned with their interests i.e. true crime, self help, so on and so forth. Once you have selected your niche, the good news is that there are a large variety of podcast formats available for you to choose from – so where do you start?

7 Popular Types Of Podcast Formats For Business

As the podcast train is continuing to gain significant momentum, it’s important to channel your marketing efforts appropriately. The style you opt for should align with the ethics of your brand or business, or compliment your product or service. If you aren’t quite sure which to choose from, here are a few of the most commonly used podcast formats.

#1: One On One Interviews – After a brief guest introduction served with a side of banter, the host usually takes over asking questions to guide the conversation around the episode’s topic in order to unpack the guest’s stories and lessons. It’s usually considered an “easier” format that takes the pressure off a one sided commentary on the host’s behalf.

#2: Solo Commentary – Technically speaking, this is one of the easiest podcast formats to pull off – but you’re going to need the confidence to run a one man band so to speak, as there’s nobody else to bounce off except for numero uno. In addition, you also need to be 110% on top of your game regarding your facts, industry or sector for this style of monologue.

#3: The Panel – One of the biggest pros associated with the panel style podcast format is that the responsibility for being interesting is distributed throughout the panel. If the energy between the panel members is strong, listening to a conversation between some opinionated people is always entertaining – but it can be harder to coordinate if you’re at different locations.

#4: Non Fiction Story Telling – Known for becoming highly addictive, it’s a great selection if you have a few “battle stories” under your belt and are considered to be a leader or pioneer within your sector or industry. Ideally, people want to know more about you and your experiences, and are willing to tune in to hear them straight from the horse’s mouth.

#5: Fictional Story Telling – Right now, there’s not a lot of people producing fictional stories purely for podcasts – but as the movement continues to gain traction, that will surely change. Although this style certainly isn’t for all brands or businesses, it’s best suited to creatives who are able to find purpose and a clear message in their narrative. 

#6: Repurposed Content – Repurposing your existing content is a great way to capitalise on your existing marketing efforts, particularly if you are already a strong blogger. The repurposed content model can incorporate anything and everything from tutorials, workshops, showcasing a product and further articulation on your existing articles from your website.

#7: The Hybrid – Can’t select just one of the podcast formats? That’s okay – why not combine several! It’s not uncommon for users to mix and match to keep their channel fresh, and can include panel discussions, solo commentary and observations, and more traditional one on one interviews. There are no rules with podcasts, so why not make your own?


Are You Ready To Start Podcasting?

Let’s face it – at the end of the day, we’re only getting busier. Some people simply prefer audio over reading, and podcasts are a form of communication that’s accessible “on the go”.

As we mentioned earlier, podcasts for business are a common example of content repurposing, and ultimately increasing the value of your marketing. However, in order to be able to repurpose any kind of existing content – then you’re going to need quality material to start with.

If your brand or business doesn’t have the time, energy or resources to produce great content – then it might be time to consider outsourcing. Thankfully here at Content Hive, we specialise in getting digital marketing done for you – so please get in touch today to discuss how we can get your brand buzzing online.

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