How Many Words Should You Be Adding to Your Website Each Month?

If you want people to visit your website each month (which, of course you do) then you need to give them something to keep coming back for. That’s where content comes in.  There are no hard rules regarding this, and everyone will give you a different answer for what worked for them. Having said that, a website with good copy that is updated regularly will rank higher in Google search results and yield a better return. With that in mind, let’s look at the most often asked questions:

How long should your web content be?

The amount of content required for different pages varies. For instance, a contact page may need less information compared to a page about your services or products. However, even a contact page can benefit from well-crafted copy that effectively communicates your brand’s essence, enabling users and search engines to quickly understand what you offer. Aim for a word count of 600 to 1000 words per page, ensuring your message is conveyed clearly, in a reader-friendly manner, and complemented by a well-designed layout.

How long should your blog posts be?

The length of a blog post is not the sole determining factor of its effectiveness. What truly matters is the strategic use of keywords, optimisation techniques, and relevance to current search terms. It is generally advisable to aim for a minimum of 500 words per blog post as a good practice, but longer form blog posts can be incorporated when delivering educational content or in-depth discussions. Remember, it’s the quality and relevance of the content that truly counts.


How often should you post blogs to your website?

Deciding how often to publish blog posts depends on your organisation’s capacity and available resources. If you’re managing the blog solo, be realistic about the time you can dedicate and focus on producing less frequent but high-value posts. Establish a schedule to prioritise blogging as a valuable marketing asset, creating a plan with specific topics and deadlines. When publishing less frequently, allocate extra time for keyword research, SEO optimisation, and content promotion to maximise organic traffic. Aim for at least one blog per week at a minimum.

Should your content be original?

Absolutely! Sure, you can get all your content written by a bot these days, but it’s going to be obvious, and you’re not going to rank as high on Google as you’d like. AI might write content that sounds good, and it obviously does it a lot quicker than a human would, but it lacks originality and creativity, and it doesn’t showcase your personality and your brand. AI should be used as a tool but not as a replacement. If you’re struggling to find time to write your blog posts, consider writing higher quality less often, or hiring a human to do it for you. There will be a huge rise in AI written content online, and simply by choosing to use a human to write yours for you, you’ll end up standing out. In the blogging world, originality is still highly regarded.

Remember, more content on your page doesn’t always equate to higher quality. It’s not just any content you should be adding to your website, but relevant, interesting, and unique content. Having a solid blog posting schedule that focuses on high quality, SEO focused content will make a huge difference in your online visibility.


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