Your Guide To TikTok For Business

Even if you fancy yourself as a social media veteran, mastering TikTok for business can be daunting – but this new age video platform is worth the effort. 


While brands around the world were trying to crack how to get more views on Youtube, or perhaps building content calendars around videos posted to Facebook – something shifted. Most of us live life on the go and are increasingly time poor, which is something that the titans of social media had cottoned on to and sought to capitalise on.

Suddenly, consumption and demand for short form video went through the roof, and marketers were scrambling to try and keep up. Although many other social media giants have done their best to jump on this trend via stories, there’s no denying that the undisputed king of short form video on social media is TikTok. 

First popularised by Millennials and Generation Z, businesses who identify these generations as their target markets now view TikTok as the dawn of a new era for social media marketing. Oddly enough, 83% are reporting that video content is giving them a strong return on investment – but what are a few of the fundamentals when it comes to mastering TikTok for business?

How To Master TikTok For Business

In 2022, TikTok has become Australia’s seventh most-used social media platform. In addition, Australians spend around twenty-three hours per month on TikTok – an increase of a whopping 40% when compared to the same period in 2021. 

Needless to say, TikTok is growing in popularity with content creators and brands that are looking to grow their audience, increase engagement, and reach millions of people. It’s a fun platform where you can highlight a less curated version of your brand, experiment with video without the need for expensive equipment, and to ultimately drive traffic to your website. 

Although not a suitable social media platform for every industry or sector, TikTok for business is on the rise thanks to its ability to humanise a brand. It’s not the place for stiff or formal marketing campaigns, and instead should be viewed as a tool to connect with audiences in a much more casual manner. 

Mastering TikTok for business is all about making the most of a small window of time. Short form video marketing, or the type of formats used on TikTok, can include anything and everything from – 

  • Demonstrations
  • Interviews
  • How to guides and educational information
  • Live streaming an event
  • Case studies
  • Animated storytelling
  • “Meet The Team” style humanisation of a brand 
  • 360 degree and virtual reality showcasing
  • Brand awareness sharing your vision, mission statement, products or services

However, the major point of difference to note with finding success on TikTok is paying attention to how the platform fundamentally works. TikTok for business should also include participating in challenges, which often go viral across the social media’s network of users as more people make their own version of the trending concept. It’s a great way to both network and reach new audiences, particularly those within similar industries or brand positions as yours. 

In addition, partnering with an influencer can greatly assist in boosting your brand’s engagement and awareness on TikTok. While this process can otherwise take months or even years if you’re doing it alone, partnering with an influencer on TikTok can help brands of all shapes and sizes to capitalise on the influencer’s existing audience – providing somewhat of a shortcut when it comes to mastering TikTok for business. 

It’s also important not to overthink the process. Although this may go against the grain for many brands, businesses and digital marketing professionals, TikTok is enormously popular thanks to its usability and the overall casualness of the platform – in fact, all you really need to make TikTok friendly content is a smartphone. 

TikTok is designed for mobile viewing, so when crafting your video do ensure that it’s in the portrait format and not landscape. Nobody likes to watch an upload with two giant black lines, so make sure to capture video in this format. Although the maximum length of a video on TikTok can be up to ten minutes, try to stay under one minute in order to hold the attention of your viewers. 

In a nutshell, video marketing is rapidly becoming a key staple for any solid digital or content marketing strategy. It doesn’t require loads of expensive gear or training to get started, but if you have a vision for what your brand’s visuals look like on screen yet lack the time or experience to get started, then it’s time to enlist the professionals – but where do you find them?

The Key To Good Marketing Is Great Content

Producing quality, consistent and on brand content takes time, effort, experience and resources, but avoiding these responsibilities altogether may actually be doing your brand a disservice. Thankfully, investing in a solid content marketing strategy has actually never been easier. 

Here at Content Hive, producing top quality digital content is exactly what we do best. We have itemised a list of digital content services, and allocated credits next to each of these. This means that each month, you can use your credits with us to produce digital content such as blog articles, social media posts, videos and even animated Instagram stories. By using this model, we believe that it enables us to produce high quality content with faster delivery times.

If you aren’t quite sure where to start on your digital marketing journey and would like to speak to a professional, why not book in a free discovery call with us at Content Hive today to discuss how we can get your brand buzzing online.

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